Hearsay With Cathy Lewis

Corralling Clutter Chaos



Studies have shown that once someone takes ownership of an item the value of that they place on that item is greater to them than the value that others would assign to it. That may explain why, for so many of us, it can be so hard to get rid of our 'stuff'. In some cases the compulsion to retain items is so strong it becomes a phenomenon called 'hoarding'. Today, we'll talk about hoarding and ways to cut through the clutter in all of our lives. Guests: Gail Blanke, author of Throw Out Fifty Things, Dr. Gail Steketee, co-author of Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things, Kevin Salwen, co-author of The Power of Half : One Family's Decision to Stop Taking and Start Giving Back, and one of the field producers of A&E's series Hoarders.