Hearsay With Cathy Lewis

Segment A: 'Green' Entrepreneur Segment B: Just My Luck!



Segment A: 'Green' Entrepreneur Edward Nixon was 'green' before it was cool. A trained geologist, Nixon has worked on a variety of enterprises - many focusing on development of international trade and investment with roots in environmentally friendly practices. Nixon will be giving the keynote address at the upcoming Engineering Unplugged Conference at Old Dominion University. Today we'll talk with him about his career and the influence it had on his brother, President Richard Nixon, who created the Environmental Protection Agency. Segment B: Just My Luck! St. Patrick's Day approaches, begging the question - do you believe in the 'luck of the Irish' or think it's a load of blarney? Today we'll talk about luck with Ellen Whitehurst author of Make This Your Lucky Day.