Christine Hansen

Are Toxins Waking You Up at Night?



Do you often find yourself staring at the ceiling, longing for sleep to whisk you away? Or perhaps you're jolted awake in the dead of night, your mind racing and your body restless. If these sleep struggles feel all too familiar, you're not alone. And according to Chelsie Ward, a seasoned nurse, and holistic health expert, toxins might be the sneaky culprits sabotaging your sleep quality In this episode, we delve into the connection between detoxification and sleep. Chelsea sheds light on the pervasive exposure to toxins in our daily lives and how they can disrupt sleep patterns by inducing inflammation, impairing organ function, and impeding the body's natural repair mechanisms during sleep. Chelsea also stresses the importance of supporting the body's detoxification pathways through mindful nutrition, hydration, and lifestyle choices, offering practical tips.  Topics covered in this episode:  Chelsie’s personal health journey, from dealing with digestive issues to early perimenopause The danger of