Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!

Building the Vessel for the Tzaddick's Torah Light & New Souls - Likutei Moharan 36 5-6



Dedicated learning Refuah Shleima for Chaim Shlomo ben Kila aka Dr. Peter and Ariel ben Dorit aka Tom beloved members of Shirat David Efrat ❤️ Reviewed last week's lesson the deepest of the deep from Rebbe Nachman ben Feiga zya and our generation's importance in fixing the Bris... Tikkun Brit Kodesh to receive the words of the Tzaddik and bring light United Souls to our family & world... Lkovod Hilula of Rebbe Nosson of Breslov 10th Tevet... United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 2 - by Eli Goldsmith - 49 - Joy of Living in Chaos, Flood of Truth, Love & Kindness, Hardest of Tests, Even in London… Keep Going, Subdue & Transform! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-0e4 #unitedsouls #truth #love #war #london #keepgoing #transform #chanukah #2024 #2025...