Merchants Of Dirt Podcast

What You Can Learn from Race Hater Mr. Murphy - MOD033



Merchants of Dirt Episode #33 You need to be on your toes when it comes to combating those wannabe activists and trail extremists who are out to sabotage your race. In this episode, I teach you what you can learn about your own race day preparation process with a real-world example of a Mr. Murphy and his race day sabotage antics. The Wheel of Woe Wheel of Misfortune (aka The Wheel of Woe) is a mythical device where every time you spin it, it lands on something bad. Then Mr. Murphy does that bad thing to you! Hence the WOE part as in Woe is me! Fortunately, I’ve been around a dozen spins of the wheel of woe, and know most of Mr. Murphy’s tricks and this episode I am going to teach you what to do to survive when Mr. Murphy makes you spin the wheel of woe. Don’t think it can happen to you? Think again. Chances are if you’ve been around any kind of race promotion for at least one minute you’ve already meet your own Mr. Murphy. Mr. Murphy is not only that force of nature -- or divine intervention -- that causes w