From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

The law of attraction is actually the law of awareness - with Morry Zelcovitch



Did you know: Every time you say something negative you create between 500 to 5000 negative thoughts in your brain????   Heres what you can do TODAY to change the way you think and thereby CHANGE YOUR LIFE in a most powerful way!   This is a BRAND NEW CALL from Morry Zelcovitch that you can’t afford to miss (our listeners loved him last time)!   Do you want to change your life?   Then change your brain (and the way it thinks).   You know that the way you THINK creates the results (or lack of results) in your life.   If your brain is limited in its thinking… then so is your life.   So you must train it if you really want to achieve your dreams.   Athletes don’t become great (or even good) without training.   And if you want a gold medal in life then you must train your brain.   Learn how to remove the ROOT CAUSE of all your life’s problems and frustrations by training your brain for success in all areas of your life.   This is one call you don’t want to miss!   ORDER JOY NOW!!!   The Law Of Attraction Is Ac