From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

How to control your inner world for more health, strength and happiness - with Niraj Naik



The MOST IMPORTANT call if you want Longevity, Health & Happiness!!!   Do whatever you can to listen to this call!!!   Discussions on health are everywhere. Internet forums are rife with them. Dinnertime conversations always end up taking that route. The entire world is busy dispensing tips and tricks on acquiring good health. How do you filter the truth from the information overload out there? Introducing Niraj Naik, a qualified pharmacist with a proven track record of curing chronic illnesses (including his own) through his innovative Alpha Healing System – an amalgam of ancient and modern healing protocols. Niraj will introduce you to the wonders you can work for your health, with just a few simple ‘shortcuts’ you can practice anywhere. These shortcuts are derived from an in-depth understanding of both ancient and modern healing techniques, and are much more effective and long-lasting than expensive drugs and medical procedures.   Correct your understanding of the root cause of most diseases, and d