From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Ancestral Clearing for an Empowered Life!- with John Newton



"John helped me clear the chronic pain and related anxiety in my throat. I recommend his work for anyone with emotional or physical pain."~ Kourtney Kardashian, Television Personality   John Newton came back with a POWERFUL CALL!   Last time there were INSTANT, miraculous shifts felt by everyone.   So ask yourself...   Do you experience physical or mental fatigue?   Do you have opinions or fears that do not seem to be your own?   Do you abhor that there is so much suffering, greed or jealousy on Earth?     Let John lead you to the best version of yourself by clearing away your lifetime of “NO” energy and ancestral energy that is stalling your loving, abundant life.   His amazing Ancestral Clearings will help you achieve true enlightenment where you create more fulfilling relationships plus open your life to wealth and abundance.   And if you’re searching for your life’s purpose then you’ll learn why you need to let go of the desperate seeking and let your purpose find you!   Experience life in a way you onl