From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Becoming your own greatest healer- with Ziad Hashash



Ziad is considered one of the MOST gifted healers on the planet!!!!   "Having met a lot of great healers, Ziad stands out as being one of the most gifted and talented. He has a powerful way of getting to the root of whatever issues someone may be experiencing, and then is able to lovingly address and resolve them with ease. I send many of my clients to Ziad, because I know they will have a miraculous experience." ~ Emmanuel Dagher, Best Selling Author and Teacher.   NOTE: Since Ziad was calling from the Middle East, the sound quality is not good. We apologize! But the energy sessions were powerful and we urge you to not let the sound quality stand in the way of you receiving the powerful clearings from this most amazing and gifted healer! Are you wondering what the true definition of self-love is?   Or maybe you’ve been pondering on how to alter your mind?   Perhaps you’re wondering what the true nature of your mind is and how you can align with your purpose in life?     Ziad’s self-healing sessions are life-