From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Light Body Readings and Readings for Empathic Protective Mechanisms in Relationships- with Christel Hughes



No matter what you do, DON'T MISS THIS CALL!!!!   Do you have a sensitive side or empathic abilities?   Do you feel other people’s emotional pain (a little too much)?   Well Christel Hughes is here with a brand new call that focuses on sensitivity and the resultant self-doubt that hampers your chance of a loving relationship.   This was one of the most powerful calls on healing the wounded sides of ourselves that are keeping us disconnected from the JUICINESS of life! How do we keep our selves stuck through repeated defense mechanisms? No matter what you do, DON'T MISS THIS CALL!!!! Excited comments from the webcast:   So powerful! Bless You ! Healing begins ....I love you both!!! Than you thank you thank you! ~ Melissa Wow that's me !!!! Can you help me with this class!!!??? I am that wounded caregiver! I no longer want to be that unbalanced!" ~ mel   ****passing along a recommendation. ***** Lol...I'm a former skeptic of "energy" work after 20 years in banking where I had become overwhelmed. I didn't know