From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Heal Your Life, Change Your Destiny- with Dr. Aurora Ariel



Are You Ready for an Unparalleled Leap in your Soul Advancement? This Can Be Your Most Spectacular Year Ever!!! Be prepared for an exciting interview with timely knowledge that includes personal healings for callers, Alchemical keys to understanding the psyche and healings clearing all that has stood in your way to fulfilling your Highest destiny, as well as a Divine Healing Transmission - Global Healing for Personal and Planetary Transformation   Remember, from the first moment of the call and even before... the healing will be taking place. Stay attuned in your consciousness...  a Vessel of Healing and Light to the planet. How to Prepare for the Healing: Each person who listens to this call will be a Vessel of the Great Healing that will take place for all of us, our families, loved ones and all humanity. Preparation is important! It is important to prepare your consciousness for the Global Healing. Say a prayer, set clear intentions, call to your Divine Sponsors, and/or write a request and burn it or lay i