From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Learn how to live your best life!- with Jean Slatter



If you learn how to use Jean's teachings, you can EXPECT MIRACLES on a daily basis!!! You are only one step away from a deep connection to our angels and spirit - what is that step? I discovered the keys to a power beyond my wildest dreams. I wanted to understand this power and use it at will. And I knew that if I could learn how to, so could you... ~ Jean Slatter Find out these secrets!   ORDER JOY NOW!!!     NOTHING ever manifests unless the 3 Laws of the universe are in harmony! Find out about these Laws today:     In this call: How can we tell the difference between the voice of spirit and our own mind and how can we trust that? What if we don't feel we are intuitive? How is Hiring the Heavens different than the Law of Attraction? How does manifesting happen if there is more than the Law of Attraction? How can we work with the Trinity of Manifesting? NOTHING ever manifests without these laws.... How can we tap into and honor the Law of Grace?   ORDER JOY NOW!!!   About Jean Slatter: Jean Slatter is th