From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Detoxifying and Creating Healthy Boundaries with the Akashic Records- with Alee Reina Hoffman.mp3



WHATEVER your can HEAL it with the Akashic records QUICKLY!   Alee called in so many higher beings to help us with the clearings...MUST hear this powerful call packed with Incredibly Powerful healing energy that left us all in tears and will work for you too!     "Thank you, Eram and Alee!! I feel such a release and healing after talking to you. I have an amazing lightness in my body and spirit after the clearing, and I feel such love from my beloved Mother radiating to everyone! I am so grateful for this gift! Thank you both so much! Much, much love to you and to all!" ~Betty   "Thank you so much for the last call Alee. I burst into tears on the passing of the Mom call. I too was a healer for my Mother and I was the only person in my family that helped her transition. Thank you for the healing! xoxox"~ Diedre   "Bless you you for helping me heal my grief around failure in healing the loss of my dog my mom my dad and my best friend.... "~ Melissa     Do you experience Negative Entities?