From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Clearing Your Personal Barriers To Unlock Your Potential- with Mina Firme



Wow, this call was beyond amazing! 2 full hours of amazing clearings and readings...all of these work for YOU too:   Are implants from past lives blocking or suppressing you? Mina removed all implants including on 3rd eye, throat chakra, ear chakras....just listen to the call to remove all these implants!!   Cleared the base chakra implant which blocks abundance Cleared heart chakra blocks to allow abundance and love to flow in How to call in The powerful love vortex: use this extra potent energy to clear your own energy, your home, your space ANYTHING! Cleared abundance blocks through genetic lines!!! Magic pool of ABUNDANCE: left us feeling high and totally drenched in love, gratitude and abundance! Plus her incredible offer to work with her...a FULL 1 hour session!   "Eram I feel like I smoked a joint :-) and I never did ... but this is how I imagined it would feel like. Thanks for the clearings." ~ Gaitree    "1h 9m 24s - Oh boy, I had so much fun in the pool. We were so playful, so much delightful laug