From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

The Abundance Playground- with Sherry Phillips Swatek



Sherry Phillips Swatek is back with a brand new call!   She’s had an amazing track record of transforming listeners’ lives through her popular Dolphin Activations and Soul Regeneration exercises.   In this call she’s helping you Acquire Abundance and Achieve Self-Reliance.   She did tons of activations and are the top 3 of her amazing activations in this call: 1st activation: Getting very clear about you want in life and releasing what you don’t want. Using earth, heart and universe energy with essential dolphin energy. Also archangel energy. Very refined and high vibration. CAUTION: Pull over to side if driving. No use of machinery. 2) Clearing for infertility and getting pregnant 3) Resetting the energy activation for a fabulous and abundant 2016   Do you have inner roadblocks that keep you from living the life of abundance that you desire?   Do you constantly encounter shackles that prevent you from achieving freedom?   Sherry’s special, proven techniques will help you find the means to t