From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Open Into the Creative Matrix of the Universe™- with Tom Hudson



WOW!!!! The energy knocked the socks off of everyone on the call!!! The energy process we did WILL WOK FOR YOU ALSO and will help you expand your life from with the Divine Chakra while activating the Band of Heart’s Desire.   MUST experience this: -1h 1m 20s - the energy is so powerful it kept knocking the skype connection out. And the webcast sound is going in and out now.   -59m 49s - Loving this! I have to hang up at 9am but I will catch the call. So powerful! My first time with Tom's work. Thanks Tom!   -56m 49s - Lots of pressure in hear chakra when he was pushing against us also need to deep breaths through process   -1h 7m 26s - I saw a lovely colored light during the process within. It was powerful. Thank You Tom i felt a heaviness in my head then it lightened up and it felt good... Do you sometimes feel lost and lacking purpose? Maybe you just don’t feel like you have a purpose or a meaningful reason for your life...   Or perhaps even worse, you feel like you were put here to do something great but y