From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Lifting The Veil and Unveiling the Light- with Sandra St.Yves



Have you ever felt like “something” was holding you back.   An invisible force that sabotaged you in your work, relationships, health and more?   Then you might have a Negative Entity (or multiple) in your life.   Listen to Sandra St. Yves for this powerful call to discover, clear and protect yourself (and the people you love) from negative entities.   Plus experience a powerful clearing to remove negative entities from your life.   Often the things we don’t see are what hurt us the most.   Don’t miss this call!     ORDER JOY NOW!!!     Discover, clear and protect yourself from negative entities (that you might not even know are there)   In this call: Discover how to check yourself for negative entity attachment and the common signs that people experience   Release yourself and others from negative entity attachment using the tools that Sandra will give to you during the class   Learn how to maintain a high frequency environment free from negative attachments and entities   Experience a Collective Grou