From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Are you a "Hue-Man Being" who entities are attracted to? Clear your Energetic Field from Lifetimes of turmoil and debris! - with Andie DePass



Our listeners raved about Andie DePass last time... and now she came back with a BRAND NEW POWERFUL CALL!   Do you feel like there’s more to life?   But there might something holding you back from reaching your full potential?   Perhaps in relationships, health or your financial situation?   Well you’re not imagining things! You could be plagued by... Shadows Entities Malicious curses Persecuted ancestral lineage syndrome Inherited DNA patterns Aliens implants Inter dimensional karma Satanic rituals Serial self-­ abuse Or other things lurking beneath the surface... or way down deep in your energetic field.   Well it’s time to release it all... quickly and easily!   Are you serious about improving your life? Then don’t miss this call!     ORDER JOY NOW     Are you a "Hue Man "Being? Is that why entities like you?   In this call: Experience the collective consciousness and result in becoming PRESENT Discover how grounding is oh so important to begin merging the mental and emotional into ONE Experience “Bub