From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Entity Clearing and Healing Made Easy! Transform your Life & Reclaim your Light! - with Jenny Thao Ngo



The 3 common challenges negative entities cause are...   Stopping your healing progress Preventing your success Interfering with your relationship with God/Source/Creator And that’s where Jenny Ngo can help. With the help of her God Healing Team, Jenny can quickly release countless of negative energies including all kinds of negative entities like dimensional or ETs.   Jenny released 100s of thousands of heart walls in ONE healing on the call! It will work for you too!               "Omg, sooooo delicious!!!! And healing I felt my heart softening and healing. I almost heard my soul song! Gertrude” "Wow... I felt a lot the energies shifting. Just before you play the mp3, I suddenly felt a lot of pressure in my forehead and strange feeling in my ears. Now the pressure is gone but I am still feeling awkward in my head (if I close my eyes, I feel like a tornado is in my head).... may I be still releasing? " "A Big whoosh in my house! Like density lifted! Thank you So much! " "Oh this was magical Thank you"