Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 02-23-11 Part 1



Viz starts off in fire and admits that he is extremely itchy downstairs in the anal region. It leads to a conversation about people who read in the bathroom and how disgusting it is to him. Annie admits that she is skilled in hovering and outdoor peeing. Suddenly Viz stops in the middle and wonders how they got on this subject. He realizes that it all started by discussing his itchiness issue. Viz says that it is this type of on air honesty that people love and can relate to. After the break Viz tells Annie about a 94 year old Indian man that became the worlds oldest father. Viz finds this intriguing because his wife is 54 years old. He also reports a story about horse semen shots that were being served at a food festival in New Zealand. This leads to a conversation about the invention of blowjobs and rim jobs. The moral of the story is that everything starts somewhere.