Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 01-05-11 Part 1



The first show of 2011 and Viz and Annie are both full of energy. Viz mentions the new website for the new year and things that are coming up in the future. Viz gives his new years eve recap and how he was bored and disappointed this year. Annie gives her take on new years eve and how it is insignificant. Annie said she had a revelation and realized she was becoming Cole-like and it scared her. Viz tells Annie that he is becoming concerned about drinking too much and if he has a problem. He also explains why he was a bit off and pissy on new years eve. After the break, Viz brings up a story about a homeless guy named Ted Williams who has been proclaimed as the guy with the golden voice. They wonder what is wrong with him. Viz starts doing his 'guy with the golden voice' impression. Viz wants that deep voice instead of his high pitched voice. Annie finds humor in this and starts to do a high-pitched Viz impression.