Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 12-08-10 Part 3



In part 3, Viz and Annie were supposed to check in with Dr. Jallen Rix but he did not call in and Annie cannot get a hold of him. While they wait Viz decides to tell a story about a possible gift idea involving baby piglets from a company based out of Canada. Is it a gift for someone that has everything or is it just wrong? You decide. They get on this conversation about killing animals for sport. Viz doesn't see anything wrong with it but Annie disagrees entirely on the subject. Annie goes surfing and goes looking through the company's website to see what other types of items that they sell. Jenny Slater calls in from the U.K. and informs them both that piglets are a delicacy in some countries. Annie goes through and names some other gag type gifts that the website sells including testicle shaped tea bags and man bibs which are used for oral sex, and Mister Baked Potato heads. After the break Dr. Jallen finally called in and his excuse was that he was in the middle of a move so he forgot to call in. Dr. Jal