Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 11-17-10 Part 1



The show starts off at a fast pace. Viz and Annie are full of energy because they have actual live in studio guests. After much anticipation and months of planning Mike from "The Mike Live Experience" and a friend are in the studio for the show. Mike happens to be hoping on in and becoming part of the show as he gets comfortable. He then tells Viz that he brought him a special gift from Parker. He springs a new pair of huffables and Viz gets really excited. Viz tells Annie and the guests that he will make the huffables into a car air freshner. Before going to break Mike tells Viz and Parker is supposed to call in so Viz is happy and wanted to thank him for the fresh pair. After the break Parker was supposed to call in according to Mike but he got a text back saying he was not going to make it because he was out on a date. Viz begins to get upset and goes off on why Parker is inconsistent and unreliable. As soon as Viz says that about him Paker walks into the studio surprising Viz. It was a total surprise and