Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 09-01-10 Part 3



In part 3 Viz and Annie chat with GLBT homo-hop artist Lester Greene. Viz mentions that Annie smelled up the station bathroom and gives her a hard time before the interview. They talk to him about his acting, his music career and his possible upcoming nude scene. Viz comes clean with Lester about being bitter since he was nearly a last minute cancellation. Lester admits that he is a voyeur and wishes he was invisible sometimes. Viz admits that he watched someone once. Annie tells Lester that she is more gay than Viz. Viz thinks she is overboard gay. They also discuss long term relationships and keeping it exciting since Lester has been with his partner for eight years. After the break Annie tries to convince Viz that Roy Rogers roast beef is the best with an article sent to her form a listener. She is insisting they eat there when they go to Pride Night. Viz tells Annie she needs to move to a better suburb.