Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 07-07-10 Part 1



Viz is not having a good day and he is frustrated with studio problems yet again. He tells Annie he is in a rotten mood. Viz says his 40th birthday was a turd and he was a bit disappointed and he explains why. He also tells Annie that he and his partner Mark went to an 80's Hair band concert featuring the Scorpions and Great White. The result was Viz feeling very old based on the other audience members around him. He is also disappointed because he got a ton of woman dildos for presents. He also vents about Cole not even calling him for his birthday this year when he used to in the past. Viz was also disappointed because people left early at his party. Viz also mentions that he will be enrolling in the School of Rock to learn guitar as his mid life crisis gift. After the break, Viz feels a bit better since he vented. They discussed how Viz moved the camera in the studio due to people complaining about the back of his head. Viz gives Annie a hard time because she has taken a vacation from life and become lazy.