Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 01-07-09 Part 1



In the first show of 2009 the boys are back and ready for the new year. They catch up and tell each other what they did during the holiday break. Cole tells us about a family member who was involved in a bank robbery. Viz informs Cole about his happenings which included throwing a holiday party for fellow employees. Did he get in trouble or embarrassing? Viz surprises Cole with a song he put together with his free time during the holiday break. What is the result of Cole vs. Nine Inch Nails? Will he like it? Viz can’t seem to shake the now famous "one guy one pickle jar" video from his mind. This leads somehow to a conversation about both female and male fisting. Apparently Viz has too much time on his hands and contemplates whether or not there is a thing as too much anal sex and if there are damages later in life. Is there such a thing as too much? Viz and Cole check in with Mama Viz and catch up. Apparently she would have sex with Cole.