Macarthur Memorial Podcast

The Army's First Public Relations Officer



When most people think of General MacArthur, they think of his ability to communicate - his ability to know the value of a good photo-op, his ability to spin stories to reporters and his ability to make dramatic headlines. In many respects, his media savvy was an innate talent. In other more technical aspects though, such as understanding the influence of the media, its ability to sway public opinion, and how to use it as a tool to promote an agenda, MacArthur actually had quite a bit of practical experience early on in his career. From 1916-1918, a young Douglas MacArthur served as the head of the War Departments new Bureau of Information. In this capacity he served as press censor and the primary liaison between the War Department and the media. As a result, he is today recognized as the Army’s first public relations officer. This podcast will discuss this period of service – an important, but often overlooked part of his early career.