Podcast For Profit And Authority W/ Gene Monterastelli

005: Who Do You Love? (The Answer Has To Be Your Audience)



When I started my private practice I spent a lot of time making sure I was really good at my craft AND I spent a lot of time trying to let the marketplace know that I was really good at my craft. My bio included all the training I had completed. My website was filled with as many testimonials as I could get. My sales copy talked about all the advanced tools and techniques I used with my clients. All of that information is fine and good, but it isn't what is most important. At least it is not what is most important when it comes to marketing your business. Your audience’s problems are more important than your training, your skill or your reputation. You audience might care about you, but they care about their problems more. This week we talk about the importance of putting the needs of your audience first, how this will help you to grow your business, and how to do it a way that you maintain a healthy balance in your life.