Legacy Gamescast

6 - Let's talk about new and upcoming games, 2017 edition.



This week LGC gives in to the hype and leads off with Frank's initial impressions of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild, and Nick's impressions of Horizon Zero Dawn, before diving into which games we are all excited about this year. Topics: The Legend of Zelda Breath of the wildFrank can barely put into words how good this game is. It's getting rave reviews and Frank thinks it's living up to the potentially insurmountable hype. Horizon Zero Dawn Nick has played Horizon Zero Dawn and besides some drawbacks of traditional open world games that he takes issue with regardless of which game it is, he says it is a must play for ps4 owners. Mass Effect: AndromedaNick expresses concerns about the new game, but is still excited to play it. The Road Ahead: Destiny This week Bungie teased what's next, and finally acknowledged the coming sequel to Destiny in a weekly update Xbox Creator's program Daniel shares news about Microsoft introducing their new Creator's program and also me