Legacy Gamescast

3 - Let's talk about developers.



This week LGC discusses developers... Specifically, what do they think any good developer must do to earn their business, beyond the simple answer: make good games. Topics: Space games: Daniel asks...like, wtf are those? Star Citizen, Elite: Dangerous, Astroneer, No Man’s Sky etc Notes:VERY cool encounter in Elite: Dangerous by thargoids Nintendotime Frank can barely contain his Breath of the wild excitement Switch/BoTW Super Bowl LI commercial Neogaf reveals Breath of the Wild secrets from the upcoming Game Informer cover story. Narhzul's forgotten treasures This week Andreas talks about Grand Ages Rome Topic of the week Nick asks the guys to discuss what is important to them with developer engagement, and what makes a good developer in 2017 http://twitch.tv/sovereigndude http://twitch.tv/shazzam32 http://twitch.tv/gvntofly1021 http://twitch.tv/Narhzul http://twitch.tv/apothic14 http://twitch.tv/legacygamescast You