What Would Bernie Sanders Do - The Podcast

#74 -- Trump Fans WISH it were 1861 + NOW Is The Time To Fight For Single Payer!



Donald Trump fans wish it were 1861 again. Emboldened by Republican leaders who've reinforced hatred of the Federal Government that's existed since "liberals" took away their slaves, we all must suffer the ravages of an unresolved violent and racist history as Trump continues the party's "patriotic" mission of reducing access to education and health care for people of color and the poor. Speaking of health care, Bernie Sanders is going to introduce his Medicare For All bill in the Senate, although he knows it won't pass. But in light of the Republican's mercenary and highly unpopular attempts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, Bernie understands now IS the time to keep the conversation going on a Single Payer plan--the American people are waking up to the fact that for-profit insurers are interested in one thing, and it's not their health. Keep fighting for what we know is right! We can help Bernie by attending Town Halls with our representatives and becoming active on a local level. Make your voi