What Would Bernie Sanders Do - The Podcast

#58a -- WWBSD Podcast Extra -- THE DNC + There IS Hope for the Future!



Recorded July 26, 2016. Is it the Russians who are "messing" with our democracy, and Who Could Not Be Moved By Those Speeches? The millionaire pundits on MSNBC are doing the work of their peers in the DNC. Chris Matthews just rhetorically asked as to why the Russians are trying to get Donald J. Trump elected, referring to their hacking of DNC servers. Rachel Maddow and others have minimized the revelations regarding the DNC, or accused the Russians of "messing with" or "interfering in" American elections. Well how about your own political party "messing with" or "interfering in" American elections? That seems to be insignificant to a ruling class who claims they are petrified of Trump yet picked the worst possible candidate to defeat him. A caller to Thom Hartmann crystallizes the crumbling veneer of compassion foisted upon Americans as an appeal to vote for Hillary Clinton, and points to the hypocrisy of progressives celebrating Clinton's never-ending "evolution." We will take a break for a week, and then re