What Would Bernie Sanders Do - The Podcast

#15 -- The Unelectable Democrat is... WHO?



This week: One million Bernie Sanders fans can't be wrong! Hillary had 60 fundraisers for wealth donors. Bernie had 10 fundraisers for people like us. Hillary raised 28 million.. and Bernie raised 26 million! ... The Democratic establishment does NOT want this candidate. "He's not one of us," they say. Darren and Dr. K. disagree with that assessment. "Honesty is such a lonely word." Yes, especially when you can be caught out EASILY when you're not being honest -- and you're running for president. The Democratic establishment wants NO ONE to talk about Hillary's shortcomings! Hmmm... if she's the eventual nominee, the Republicans won't bring any of that stuff up. So which Democrat running for president is the UNELECTABLE one?? The answer will NOT surprise you, when you hear it on this week's podcast. FTB, people!