Entanglement Radio With Angela Levesque

Joe Brewer on Culture Design & Creating a New Story



What strategies could change the world? Listen to Culture Design crusader, Joe Brewer as we explore strategic interventions that help create a more sustainable world. We discuss capitalism as a story and why culture change is not dictated by policy, rather by changing the stories we've created. We also explore the system lynchpins which are the things we can change that will have the biggest impact in dealing with the extreme wealth consolidation. We also discuss the role of corporations and the individual in our new economy and why Joe is so optimistic for our future. About the Guest:Joe Brewer is a complexity researcher and evangelist for the field of culture design. He is co-founder and editor for Evonomics magazine, research director for TheRules.org, and coordinator for the newly forming Cultural Evolution Society. He lives in Seattle and travels the world helping humanity make the transition to sustainability.