Cms Itweekly

CMS itWeekly - #5



Good day CMS, like to welcome you to a CMS Instructional Technology no. 5. The day is April 5th 2011. I'm Jim Smith and I'm Jake Standish. Hi Jake. Here's the idea. Has a lot of great ideas out there and we would love to share them with you. Each week we'll do our best to focus on one concept to still down to exactly what you need right now. I hope that's true but there's one thing I noticed was missing today man. Music, there was no music, none. Well people hasn't had a lot of time to give us suggestions, true and we haven't had a lot of time, nope either. Alright, so what's going on this week. Today, we'd like to look at 21st Century Skills. Specifically how we collaborate as teachers or even collaborate with students but really wanna focus in on the collaboration aspect of 21st Century Skills.