The Perch Podcast

1 Is this thing on?



In episode one of the Perch podcast we talk about some things we could talk about, update you on what we have been doing and answer some questions from Twitter. Links to some of the things we have been doing Blog post about the price increase Perch 2.2.1 Perch on GitHub The Textpattern importer on Drew’s GitHub account Sending email with Postmark Rachel’s fitness blog Blog post about using Perch layouts Puppet Puppet Camp London Memset – the hosting company our infrastructure sits on Questions from Twitter We asked Perchers on Twitter if they had any questions for us. If you would like us to answer your questions in another episode then Tweet @grabaperch and we’ll do our best. The below links are from our responses. Original blog post about add-ons, Our policy on commercial add-ons The Perch API documentation. Using Perch with a front controller – useful information if you want to use Perch alongside another MVC framework. Creating Field Types using the Perch