Colin Thomson: Do More

059: Solo Saturday: Emails Are Your Most Valued Possession



Key Take Aways: Emails are your most treasured possession With algorithm changes in FaceBook, and the constant possibility of the same happening with other social networks, your email list is the only thing that you can confidently call your own If you don’t have an opt-in offer currently running on your site, your wasting traffic Opt-in: Something of real value that you give away in exchange for an email Creativity is super important when choosing an opt-in DO NOT: Just give away a track. Streaming services have devalued digital music to the point where this makes no sense Consider: behind the scenes videos, interviews with you and the band, unreleased demo tracks, extended tracks, bonus track unavailable elsewhere - just be creative! Think about having a few different opt-ins sprinkled throughout your website - targeted at different interests that your audience may have You need an email provider like Aweber or MailChimp Then you can just setup an auto-responder, where the first email that is sent immediat