Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

11/25/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



Dan Bongino, contributing editor for Conservative Review, fills in for Mark. We are being hosed again over the vetting process by our "fearless" leader President Obama. Instead of focusing on the Syrian refugee crisis and the ISIS threat, Obama decides to spend his last year in office on gun control. What the President prioritizes has a dramatic effect on the rest of the country. Unfortunately, Obama is choosing to engage in straw man arguments and concentrate on America's problem with Islamaphobia. He fails to address Americans concerns over the vetting process of the Syrian refugees. The FBI and other credible people are saying that if we don't have them in a database, they can't be vetted. If the FBI is concerned that the Syrians can't be vetted, the everyday American has the right to be concerned too. However, President Obama and his administration, treat American's who oppose letting the Syrian refugees in like fools. Obama should pay attention to what the people want instead of creating misdirection and