Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

11/23/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



The establishment Republican mouth pieces are at it again attacking conservatives, this time blaming Sen Ted Cruz for the rise of ISIS and failing to get rid of Obamacare. The Wall Street Journal is not conservative, they fought for the status quo and fought hard to compromise with President Obama to slash national defenses, so Americans should not take their word on Cruz. It's not enough for Republican mouthpieces to say they are "conservative". Conservatism is not an abstraction, but a way a life and involves individual virtue, prudence, family, faith, and American history. What America needs is a strong principled conservative to change its course and should remember that it's because of people like Kim Strassel and the WSJ types, that Republicans lost recent elections to Obama. Also, nowhere in the Founders' writings do they endorse the idea that anyone in the world has a right to immigrate to America. Later, Obama does not understand the danger that the Syrian refugees pose, yet still wants to bring them