Across The Pond

Across The Pond - Episode 50 - My Facebook Friends



Well it finally arrived. Show number 50 went on on ICRFM on Thursday and is now ready for you to listen to as an archive and podcast here on JigTime. As promised, on today's show I am playing music only from Facebook friends. Mind you when I started to pick music for the show I realized I had far too many musician friends on Facebook and may have to make this a regular show. So sit back and enjoy music from some very cool people I have known and worked with down through the years including, The Duhks, Ciaran Tourish, Maura O'Connell, Alison Brown and many more. And tune in next week for more great music from both sides of the great big sea and beyond. If you have any requests or know of artists I may want to play on the show please send me links to the artist and I will try to fit them in.