Andrea Kaye And Stan Prowse Legal Eagle Radio

Modifying Child Support - Marine or Sailor



Child custody in military divorces often looks different than it does in civilian divorces.  Many young men marry their high school sweethearts before they enlist.  Their wives travel with them to wherever they are based.  Soon there are small children.  The combination of low pay, stressful parenting, and homesickness often destroys the marriage. Without local roots, and usually without jobs (or jobs worth keeping), wives tend to feel that their best option is to go back home to their families, where they will have a ready made support system for themselves and their babies, including free baby sitters, and perhaps a better opportunity to find a job through family friends.  Let's say back home is Alabama. Typically the initial separation is supposed to be only a temporary visit back home, but it turns into a permanent relocation.  This is a dangerous situation for the service member husband and dad when it comes to child custody, because the California courts will lose jurisdiction over the children to the