Andrea Kaye And Stan Prowse Legal Eagle Radio

Self Control and Divorce - Child Custody



Self control is an old virtue.  Lately it seems people have less of it in private and public than they used to have.  This is too bad, particularly if you are going through a divorce.  Losing it completely at home is also a good way to start one, because it will probably get you arrested and kicked out of the house. At the hearing on whether to issue a permanent domestic violence restraining order, the person from whom protection is sought (by definition the person who got arrested, aka the "perp") starts off at a tremendous disadvantage, even if wrongly accused.  What is the best way to ensure that the order is issued against you?  You guessed it: act angry and belligerent, and fail to control yourself.  Even if you were in fact the victim, by acting like a jerk you'll seal your fate. Even if the divorce doesn't start with an out of control argument and an arrest, the need for self control is still just as important, particularly if minor children are involved.  Before the judge even sees you at the heari