Andrea Kaye And Stan Prowse Legal Eagle Radio

Senior Divorce



Senior Divorce For Those Over 50 According to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal, the overall divorce rate has decreased slightly.  However, the divorce rate among people over 50 has increased substantially.  In 1990, the rate was one in ten.  In 2009, the rate was one in four.  In other words, nowadays 40% of all divorces involve spouses over 50 years old.  We’ll call them senior divorces.  For me 40% is a surprising statistic.  Although I haven’t kept track, it seems that most of the divorces I’ve handled were between spouses with small children, which would make Mom and Dad roughly 25 to 40. We’ve all heard about couples staying together ‘for the sake of the children’ and parting company only after the kids were grown up and gone.  Those may have been senior divorces, but years ago they were only noteworthy because they didn’t seem to happen very often, and friends and neighbors were shocked when they did.  You’d think surviving twenty or so years of marriage would be a pretty good indicator tha