Andrea Kaye And Stan Prowse Legal Eagle Radio

Divorce and Mental Illness



High Conflict Divorce Cases and Mental Illness Divorce lawyers refer to some divorces as "high conflict cases."  Over the past few years we've realized that some form of mental illness drives many of them. High conflict cases usually involve child custody and visitation.  The parties cannot agree on anything and fight about everything.  The cases  go on interminably through numerous motion hearings and are resolved only by trials. I'm neither a psychologist nor a psychiatrists, so I'll keep my comments on this phenomenon in plain English. Consideration of mental illness may help answer some puzzling questions in high conflict cases.  For example, why is Mom so convinced after separation that Dad is a terrible parent who should get supervised visitation only, when prior to their separation Dad's parenting skills seemed acceptable?  Why is there such a disconnect between the available evidence and Mom's accusations of Dad's unfitness?  We could easily reverse the genders. Children And A Parents Self Worth We