Foodist With Darya Rose, Ph.d

How Peg Used the Japanese Principle of Kaizen to Cut Back on Drinking and Quit Bulimia



Peg had a regular habit of drinking a couple glasses of wine every night and felt like it was a problem, like something that she needed. Not only did this habit impact her general wellbeing and ability to be at her best for herself and her work, she also knew this wasn't the person she wanted to be. At the same time, Peg knew that she couldn't just stop drinking all at once. So she decided to try slowly, a method that worked for her in the past to overcome bulimia. Kaizen is the Japanese principle of making continuous small, incremental improvement. For Peg, addressing her problems slowly removed the fear of the idea of stopping completely, which she knew she wasn't ready for. Starting with one small change––not drinking for one night, not purging for a few hours––gave her the courage and empowerment to continue. Her deepest motivation was to ultimately become the person she knew she wanted to be, and kaizen was her method to get there. For complete show notes visit