Foodist With Darya Rose, Ph.d

How to Identify a Missing Supporting Habit



Serena had always enjoyed cooking dinner and it was a Home Court Habit she highly valued. Then when her schedule got a little crazy her cooking habit fell by the wayside. While struggles like this are pretty normal when life gets busy, what stumped Serena was that her cooking habit never resumed even when her schedule got back to normal. Often what stops you from maintaining a healthy habit is that you view it as a chore rather than as something you enjoy, but this wasn't the case for Serena. She truly did love to cook and felt very strongly about all the ways it positively impacted her life that were now missing. It took some digging, but Serena and I ultimately discovered that she had lost one of her Supporting Habits––meal prepping––that gave her the edge she needed to maintain a regular cooking habit. It turns out that meal prepping is the difference between whether making dinner is easy when she gets home from work or feels like a big project she doesn't have the energy for. We then took a look at her