Food & Restaurant Marketing

Are you a true digital restaurant brand? Podcast



Today, consumers expect brands to be wherever they are online. And not just be there, but to be delivering amazing experiences at every touchpoint. What is considered table stakes and what is considered a leading edge digital restaurant brand? We look at examples of who's doing it well and what can be learned. Let's dive in! 1:10 Digital agencies 2:51 Email marketing 4:53 Death of reach in social media 6:52 Mobile first vs. dedicated apps 8:10 Denny's social community management 10:06 Where is the line? 11:10 Innovation for PR sake 14:02 App saturation 16:20 An app is a product that need support 19:30 Data vs. analytics 21:47 Campaign measurement and attribution 23:21 On premise digital experience (Ziosk) 25:22 The goal of digital for restaurants