Note Mba

127: The Most Important Things In Life



Every so often - though not as often as it used to - I encounter emotions bordering on ballistic because the line at the store is taking longer than it should.  Or when my charisma doesn't get me the upgrade I wanted. Or when one of my children is in a mood that could certainly cause the start of World War III. Or any number of other things. However, thanks to the podcast, but mostly my friendship and relationship with Robby Woods, I've been able to recognize a few things. One, family and health are the most important considerations in life. Everyone is going to define family differently. I share no relation with most of the people I call family. And health seems to be an ever elusive thing to nail down for many - but never stop trying. After than, comes personal freedom. And if you think family has a varied definition, just try to pin down what personal freedom means .  For me, it's having enough for the lifestyle my wife and I want to live. It supports your eventual retirement, if that is what you wa