Note Mba

080: Ohio Fast Tracks Foreclosures & The Netflix Manifesto



In this week’s episode, Robby and Chase segue beautifully through a number of topics ranging from dealing with Ohio fast tracks foreclosures and Chicago foreclosure nightmares to contemplating what they can apply to their own businesses from billion dollar companies such as Netflix & Zappos, who have created & maintained amazing company cultures centered around freedom, excellence & paying your great employees what they’re worth. Things get started discussing some assets up in Chicago and Ohio that have been going through the foreclosure process for a while now and have been tied up in a court nightmare in Cook County. However, Chase brings to light that there is a Fast Tracks Foreclosure bill that is running through Ohio legislation right now that will potentially speed up the process to as little as 6 months so there is light at the end of the tunnel. The State Government seems to finally be concerned about these blighted properties and their effect on increasing crime rates and decreasing prope