Note Mba

078: Working Full-Time While Investing In Real Estate



How can you work full-time while investing in real estate? Today we interview an investor that works 60+ hours a week driving a truck, and is still an active note investor. We’re talking with Gene Chandler of Chandler Financial, LLC from Indiana. Like a few people we've had on the show before, and many of our listeners, Gene got started in real estate investing by house hacking. He started investing in the 80's when interest rates hovered around 10%.  After house hacking his way into numerous rentals and getting to the point of managing 52+ rentals, he and his wife started doing real estate development in the early 2000's. However, like many he took a huge hit from 2007-09. He didn't sit around licking his wounds, though. He sat down and took inventory of the situation. He owned his mistakes. Even after the setbacks he knew real estate was still the best way to get ahead. Gene talks about the biggest mistake that he changed about his business was reserves. He now watches the reserves available at any given ti